Apache Web Server Ppt

So many aspects to the usability and security of the Apache Web server, it is. Of the most popular bundles is the LAMP Web server application stack, which. The Apache web server checks first if the user name provided may access this directory; If the name matches, the web server check if the password provided by the user matches the password in the htpasswd file; If the authentication was fine, the user can access the files provided in the directory. Apache HTTP Server 2.4.46 (httpd): 2.4.46 is the latest available version 2020-08-07. The Web server - Apache - Complete Guide is one of the many topics covered in the series of books that I’m writing on Linux, the goal of which is to help any enthusiastic Windows user or a Linuxnewbiebecomeapowerful,confidentLinuxprofessional. As a preview of what you should expect when these books become.

  1. Apache Web Server Windows
  2. Apache Web Server Powerpoint
  3. Apache Web Server Ppt Free

Customizing Apache for Windows

Apache is configured by the files in the conf subdirectory. These are the same files used to configure the Unix version, but there are a few different directives for Apache on Windows. See the directive index for all the available directives.

Apache Web Server Ppt

The main differences in Apache for Windows are:

  • Because Apache for Windows is multithreaded, it does not use a separate process for each request, as Apache can on Unix. Instead there are usually only two Apache processes running: a parent process, and a child which handles the requests. Within the child process each request is handled by a separate thread. Run docker in linux.

    The process management directives are also different:

    MaxConnectionsPerChild: Like the Unix directive, this controls how many connections a single child process will serve before exiting. However, unlike on Unix, a replacement process is not instantly available. Use the default MaxConnectionsPerChild 0, unless instructed to change the behavior to overcome a memory leak in third party modules or in-process applications.

    Warning: The server configuration file is reread when a new child process is started. If you have modified httpd.conf, the new child may not start or you may receive unexpected results.

    ThreadsPerChild: This directive is new. It tells the server how many threads it should use. This is the maximum number of connections the server can handle at once, so be sure to set this number high enough for your site if you get a lot of hits. The recommended default is ThreadsPerChild 150, but this must be adjusted to reflect the greatest anticipated number of simultaneous connections to accept.

  • The directives that accept filenames as arguments must use Windows filenames instead of Unix ones. However, because Apache may interpret backslashes as an 'escape character' sequence, you should consistently use forward slashes in path names, not backslashes.

  • While filenames are generally case-insensitive on Windows, URLs are still treated internally as case-sensitive before they are mapped to the filesystem. For example, the <Location>, Alias, and ProxyPass directives all use case-sensitive arguments. For this reason, it is particularly important to use the <Directory> directive when attempting to limit access to content in the filesystem, since this directive applies to any content in a directory, regardless of how it is accessed. If you wish to assure that only lowercase is used in URLs, you can use something like:

  • When running, Apache needs write access only to the logs directory and any configured cache directory tree. Due to the issue of case insensitive and short 8.3 format names, Apache must validate all path names given. This means that each directory which Apache evaluates, from the drive root up to the directory leaf, must have read, list and traverse directory permissions. If Apache2.4 is installed at C:Program Files, then the root directory, Program Files and Apache2.4 must all be visible to Apache.

  • Apache for Windows contains the ability to load modules at runtime, without recompiling the server. If Apache is compiled normally, it will install a number of optional modules in the Apache2.4modules directory. To activate these or other modules, the LoadModule directive must be used. For example, to activate the status module, use the following (in addition to the status-activating directives in access.conf):

    Information on creating loadable modules is also available.

  • Apache can also load ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface) extensions such as those used by Microsoft IIS and other Windows servers. More information is available. Note that Apache cannot Microsoft remote desktop mac older version. load ISAPI Filters, and ISAPI Handlers with some Microsoft feature extensions will not work.

  • When running CGI scripts, the method Apache uses to find the interpreter for the script is configurable using the ScriptInterpreterSource directive.

  • Since it is often difficult to manage files with names like .htaccess in Windows, you may find it useful to change the name of this per-directory configuration file using the AccessFilename directive.

  • Any errors during Apache startup are logged into the Windows event log when running on Windows NT. This mechanism acts as a backup for those situations where Apache is not yet prepared to use the error.log file. You can review the Windows Application Event Log by using the Event Viewer, e.g. Start - Settings - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Event Viewer.

How-To / Tutorials

Authentication and Authorization

Authentication is any process by which you verify that someone is who they claim they are. Authorization is any process by which someone is allowed to be where they want to go, or to have information that they want to have.

See: Authentication, Authorization

Access Control

Access control refers to the process of restricting, or granting access to a resource based on arbitrary criteria. There are a variety of different ways that this can be accomplished.

See: Access Control

Dynamic Content with CGI

The CGI (Common Gateway Interface) defines a way for a web server to interact with external content-generating programs, which are often referred to as CGI programs or CGI scripts. It is a simple way to put dynamic content on your web site. This document will be an introduction to setting up CGI on your Apache web server, and getting started writing CGI programs.

See: CGI: Dynamic Content

.htaccess files

.htaccess files provide a way to make configuration changes on a per-directory basis. A file, containing one or more configuration directives, is placed in a particular document directory, and the directives apply to that directory, and all subdirectories thereof.

See: .htaccess files Sierra installer dmg.

HTTP/2 with httpd

HTTP/2 is the evolution of the world's most successful application layer protocol, HTTP. It focuses on making more efficient use of network resources without changing the semantics of HTTP. This guide explains how HTTP/2 is implemented in httpd, showing basic configurations tips and best practices.

See: HTTP/2 guide

Introduction to Server Side Includes

SSI (Server Side Includes) are directives that are placed in HTML pages, and evaluated on the server while the pages are being served. They let you add dynamically generated content to an existing HTML page, without having to serve the entire page via a CGI program, or other dynamic technology.

Apache web server ppt download

See: Server Side Includes (SSI)

Per-user web directories

Apache Web Server Windows

On systems with multiple users, each user can be permitted to have a web site in their home directory using the UserDir directive. Visitors to a URL http://example.com/~username/ will get content out of the home directory of the user 'username', out of the subdirectory specified by the UserDir directive.

See: User web directories (public_html)

Apache Web Server Powerpoint

Reverse Proxy guide

Apache httpd has extensive capabilities as a reverse proxy server using the ProxyPass directive as well as BalancerMember to create sophisticated reverse proxying implementations which provide for high-availability, load balancing and failover, cloud-based clustering and dynamic on-the-fly reconfiguration.

See: Reverse proxy guide

Rewriting URLs with mod_rewrite

Apache Web Server Ppt Free

Rewriting URLs with (and without) mod_rewrite tends to be one of the most frequently asked topics on our mailing lists and IRC channels. We have devoted and entire section of our documentation to howtos and recipes around this topic.