Shift In

Shift In and Shift Out used in a Linux terminal to access a variant DEC Special Graphics set.

A shift in sentence construction occurs when words or phrases intended for one purpose are used for another, upsetting the natural flow of the sentence. Below are examples of three frequent errors that shift sentence construction. Below each error is an example. Remember Me Forgot Password? For every possible cause of a leftward shift in the AD curve, there is an opposite possible rightward shift. Increased consumer spending on domestic goods and services can shift AD to the right. Jessyn Farrell is Running for Seattle Mayor and She Wants You to Pay for All Her Campaign Promises April 21, 2021 / Blog.

Shift Out (SO) and Shift In (SI) are ASCIIcontrol characters 14 and 15, respectively (0x0E and 0x0F).[1] These are sometimes also called 'Control-N' and 'Control-O'.

The original meaning of those characters provided a way to shift a coloured ribbon, split longitudinally usually with red and black, up and down to the other colour in an electro-mechanicaltypewriter or teleprinter, such as the Teletype Model 38, to automate the same function of manual typewriters. Black was the conventional ambient default colour and so was shifted 'in' or 'out' with the other colour on the ribbon.

Later advancements in technology instigated use of this function for switching to a different font or character set and back. This was used, for instance, in the Russian character set known as KOI7-switched, where SO starts printing Russian letters, and SI starts printing Latin letters again. Similarly, they are used for switching between Katakana and Roman letters in the 7-bit version of the Japanese JIS X 0201.[2][3]

SO/SI control characters also are used to display VT-100pseudographics. Shift In is also used in the 2G variant[4] of SoftBank Mobile's encoding for emoji.

The ISO/IEC 2022 standard (ECMA-35, JIS X 0202) standardises the generalized usage of SO and SI for switching between pre-designated character sets invoked over the 0x20–0x7F byte range. It refers to them respectively as Locking Shift One (LS1) and Locking Shift Zero (LS0) in an 8-bit environment, or as SO and SI in a 7-bit environment.[5] In ISO-2022-compliant code sets where the 0x0E and 0x0F characters are used for the purpose of emphasis (such as an italic or red font) rather than a change of character set, they are referred to respectively as Upper Rail (UR) and Lower Rail (LR), rather than SO and SI.[6]

See also[edit]


  1. ^'The Linux Programmer's Manual'. Retrieved 2012-11-16.
  2. ^Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (1975-12-01), The Japanese Katakana graphic set of characters(PDF), ITSCJ/IPSJ, ISO-IR-13
  3. ^Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (1975-12-01), The Japanese Roman graphic set of characters(PDF), ITSCJ/IPSJ, ISO-IR-14
  4. ^Kawasaki, Yusuke (2010). Emoji encodings and cross-mapping tables in pure Perl.
  5. ^ECMA (1994). '7.3: Invocation of character-set code elements'. Character Code Structure and Extension Techniques(PDF) (ECMA Standard) (6th ed.). p. 14. ECMA-35.
  6. ^Sveriges Standardiseringskommission (1975-12-01). NATS Control set for newspaper text transmission(PDF). ITSCJ/IPSJ. ISO-IR-7.
Retrieved from ''

Writers should keep the elements in a sentence consistent, avoiding any unnecessary changes in tense, voice, mood, person, number, and discourse. Such unnecessary changes, or 'shifts,' may make reading difficult and obscure the sentence's meaning for the reader.

Avoid shifts in

1. verb tense

Except for special cases where the intended meaning requires a change in tense, maintain the same tense within a sentence.

Error:- shift in verb tense


The sentence above begins in the past tense but shifts, without reason, to the present tense.

Error repaired

2. voice

The voice of a verb may be either active or passive in a sentence. When a sentence contains two or more verbs, both verbs should maintain the same voice.

Error - shift in voice

The sentence above begins in active voice but shifts without reason to passive voice.

Error repaired

Example - emphasis on subject requires shift in voice

Here, the use of passive allows the sentence to focus on the subject.

3. mood

Shifts in mood often occur with directions, where the mood shifts from indicative to imperative or from imperative to indicative.

Error - shift in mood

Error repaired

4. person

English has three 'persons' or points of view:

  • first person - the speaker
    I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours
  • second person - the person spoken to
    you, your, yours
  • third person - the person or thing spoken about
    he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their

Unless the meaning of a sentence clearly requires a change, keep person consistent within a sentence.

Shifts in person usually occur with changes from the third to the second person point of view.

Shift In Poetry

Error - shift in person

Error repaired

If the meaning of a sentence clearly requires a change, then you may change person as needed.

Example requiring a change in person

Since both I and the others are doing something in the above sentence, the shift in person is justified.

5. number

Use singular pronouns to refer to singular antecedents; use plural pronouns torefer to plural antecedents.

Error - shift in number

Error repaired



There are two ways to recount someone's words. Each way requires its own format.

A direct quotation gives the exact words of a speaker, surrounding the words with quotation marks.


Shift In Poetry

An indirect quotation paraphrases the speaker's words and does not place them inside quotation marks. Even if the indirect quotation paraphrases a question, the sentence ends with a period.


Note the difference in the formats above:

A shift in discourse occurs when, within a sentence, the writer uses the format of one form and shifts some part to the format of the other.

Example - shift in discourse

Error repaired with indirect discourse

Error repaired with direct discourse

7. sentence construction

A shift in sentence construction occurs when words or phrases intended for one purpose are used for another, upsetting the natural flow of the sentence. Below are examples of three frequent errors that shift sentence construction. Below each error is an example showing one or more ways to repair the error.

Error -prepositional phrase used as subject


Error - faulty subject


Using is because, is where, or is when in a sentence often creates a construction shift. Avoid this phrasing.

Error - is because


Error - is where


Error - is when
