Visual Studio Laravel

Visual studio laravel 2019

Vs Code Intellisense


Laravel Ide helper

Laravel ide helper is a package that generates helper files that enable your IDE to provide accurate autocompletion. Generation is done based on the files in your project, so they are always up-to-date.

The package will help you generate a default ide helper file by just writing this command:

Or you can use the package directly to make it customizable with your projectlaravel-ide-helper

Resource Autocompletion

For resource autocompletion to work you will have to specify model namespace on Settings>Extensions>Laravel Intellisense>Model namespace by default it is App

Eloquent Autocompletion

Factory Autocompletion

View Autocompletion

Config Autocompletion

Route Autocompletion

Translate Autocompletion


If you are using docker you will have to add the container name where your application lives in Settings>Extensions>Laravel Intellisense>Docker so the extension can run the script from there to get the attributes!

For example if im using an app container! I will be adding:


For the extension to work you need to have the database working! Since it needs the database to get the attributes.

Visual studio code laravel autocomplete

Visual Studio Laravel Download

The extension works only on Laravel projects and a project is considered a Laravel project only if there is an artisan file in the root directory. Gaurav Makhecha; Credits. PHP Parser by Glayzzle. Currently, you're free to use this extension. I would highly appreciate you buying the world a. SoengSouy.Webdesign Is a free online learning program that introduces methods and how to coding websites from the limit First, to the highest level. I am currently working on laravel project in visual studio code text editor. If i use laravel package classes in the code at that time i want to automatically import that class using any vs code extension. If you know any best extension for this let me know.