Winamp Remote Control

  1. Winamp Bluetooth Remote Control
  2. Winamp Remote Control Plugin
  3. Ajaxamp
  4. Winamp Mobile
  5. Ampwifi


  1. Winamp media remote control. Update status information; Send raw command to Winamp; Launcher Winamp application; Lower volume; Mute volume; Raise volume; Previous track; Next track; Stop playback; Start playback; Pause or unpause playback; Toggle play/pause state; Jump back 5 seconds; Jump forward 5 seconds; Platforms.
  2. Our goal was to create a remote control for the popular music player, Winamp. The Winamp controller is a standalone piece of hardware that allows a user to view playlists and control Winamp as if they were actually at the computer. It utilizes Winamp’s API through a simple plugin that is loaded upon starting the application.
  3. Winamp Remote Control V1 v.1.0 winamp remote is a winamp 2.x and 5.x plugin that exports virtually all the player functionality of winamp over the network via RPC. There is also an application that allows Winamp to be controlled completely from multiple remote clients.

Step 1: Start WinAmp on the computer and set up a playlist. Load the plugin file that comes with the remote control onto the computer. Simply find the WinAmp directory on the hard drive, and place the plugin file given into the plugin directory.

Wmote lets you control media files on your computer using your mobile device. To use it, you will need free WmoteServer running on your computer, as well as Winamp (2.xx or above).

No configuration is needed for wmote. After you install WmoteServer make sure to remember to unblock main listening port if you have firewall enabled. Wmote will automatically search for all PCs on your network and detect those with WmoteServer running. Additonally, both server and client software have some optional advanced configuration options (see below).

You can also stream all your music directly from your PC using your home wireless network and W-streamer for iPhone/iPad/iPod which is available from the Apple Store. Music is streamed in the original format so WiFi network must be used. It will not work well over a 3G network due to the volume of data traffic. If you use remote WiFi hotspot you will need to specify domain name (in case of dynamic IP you can use some free DNS service) and do some basic port forwarding (default port nr. 28700) from your router to your desired computer inside LAN.

Supported file types: mp3, m4a, wav*, flac*

Winamp Bluetooth Remote Control

wav and flac files are not streamed directly in their native format. Conversion to mp3 is used prior to streaming.

For advanced users there are some useful options that can be configured on the server or on the client side.

  • WmoteServer application (free of charge)
  • Winamp (2.xx or above) - only for Wmote aplication
  • PC computer runing XP/Vista/Windows 7/ Window 8*
Winamp remote controlWmoteServer needs to be running in administrative mode if using Windows 8

Basic Features

  • automatic discovery of PCs running WmoteServer
  • basic winamp playback commands (play, pause, stop, etc.)
  • basic information display (song title, position, time, bit-rate, etc.)
  • current playlist display on the main screen
  • playist song searching
  • multiple playlist selection inside designated root media folder
  • current playlist saving

Advanced Features

  • Apple Watch support for play, volume control, move to next and previous song
  • file browsing (you can browse for any media files on your PC inside designated root media folder)
  • add, add all, open, add&play; - media manipulation functions inside file browsing menu
  • mouse trackpad pointing function (control your PC with this great function - can be used independetly of Winamp functions)
  • configurable mouse speed
  • keyboard strokes (send keyboard events to Your PC)
  • computer management functions (shutdown, restart, standby, log-off)
  • automatic computer shutdown timer (configurable time before your PC shuts down)
  • multiple client connection to WmoteServer
  • manual IP and communication port selection

Advanced Streaming Features

  • real time streaming (music plays almost instantly when on home WiFi network)
  • file browsing (you can browse for supported music files on your PC inside designated root media folder)
  • file saving (you can save your .mp3 and .m4a files locally to your device and play them later at any time
  • saving directory tree
  • multiple client connection to WmoteServer
  • selection of unique name of your client using settings
  • current song and progress displayed for connected clients
  • manual IP and communication port selection

Download Plugin

Here you can download the Winamp Plugin required by 'Playa Control for Winamp'

Latest Version 1.66: Download (do NOT download this to your phone ;-) )

Latest Changes: Fix to run on Windows 10

Previous Version 1.65a: Download

Winamp Remote Control Plugin

Download Android™ App at Android Market™

Please report issues to


More information coming soon

Winamp Mobile



  • You need a phone with wifi. Wifi must be enabled when using the app
  • Both phone and pc must be connected to wlan trough a wlan - router
  • Connection does not work over public internet (connection over gprs/umts). This acces is blocked due security reasons. Its recommended to make sure your pc is not directly accessible from internet (pc is behind router)
  • Winamp Plugin must be installed
  • If connection does not work, try temporarly deactivating your firewall. Add security exception for Winamp. Ports 8086 and 8087 must be accessable
  • There is no need to make any configuration settings in the app (i.e. ip address), but you can if you want. The pc is searched automaticaly
  • To uninstall the plugin, go to Winamp plugin directory (i.e. c:program fileswinampplugins) and delete file 'gen_playa_control.dll'