Well, like the others, I would not sell my fairly expensive 10 Heos speakers to get other equipment that is compatible with Deezer HiFi flac as long as I have alternatives. As a consequnce, I turned to Tidal that offered hifi and master quality as a promo 4 months for 1 euro (yeah, other countries have it for 4 euro. The HiFi Room channel is visible to HiFi subscribers. It's a dedicated channel with curated FLAC content for you to explore and enjoy with compatible devices and speakers. You can find the HiFi playlists at the top of the Music section of your Deezer app or on the Music section of your Deezer desktop app or
Deezer Hifi Mit Heos
From the HEOS App, select: Music - Settings (top left icon) - Music Sources - Deezer- Sign In. You will then choose if you have an existing Deezer account or you can create a new Deezer account if you're new to Deezer. If you already have a Deezer account you will then enter in your Deezer Login (Email) and Password. If you're creating a new Deezer account, you will then be redirected to Deezer's website to enter your information and create a new account.
*Note: A HEOS Account first needs to be created in order to use the Deezer service. A HEOS Account can be created from the Settings menu.