Phpstorm Jira

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Configuring your General Options. Screenshot: General tab of the connector's IDE Settings panel. The 'General' tab is used to define the upgrade options for your connector, configure an HTTP proxy and set other options as described below. To access the general options: Go to the 'IDE Settings' for the 'Atlassian Connector', by doing one of the following.

I would like to set up IntelliJ IDEA to write scripts on groovy(ScriptRunner) in JIRA.

There are some questions about setting up an integration of IntelliJ IDEA Integration with JIRA Software (ScriptRunner) and I’d like to fix some troubles.

There are:

  • Windows Workstation 7 with IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.6
  • Debian Linux Server 9.1 (stretch) with JIRA Software v7.5.4 (ScriptRunner plugin v.5.1.6)

I try to set up the environment like said here: “IntelliJ IDEA Integration”
Successfully accomplished:

  • installed IntelliJ IDEA,
  • installed ScriptRunner IDEA integration plugin
  • switched on “Dark Feature” - “scriptrunner.idea.external.editor.enabled”
    Now I can open a new IntelliJ IDEA project when clicking on IntelliJ icon in ScriptRunner.

…and some troubles/questions here:

  1. How to change a default folder for project is created after clicking an “IntelliJ” icon in “Script Console”?

  2. As said in the documentation “You will also see a folder on the left called Script Roots. IntelliJ will automatically sync the scripts on the Script Root folder of your Atlassian product, and allow you to modify those files directly in IntelliJ” But it doesn’t work. There aren’t any scripts in project folder is got from JIRA scripts folder
    How to fix it?
    Is it possible to create and update script files and Inline script between JIRA and IntelliJ IDEA project?

  3. Cause an error appeared in the bottom of IntelliJ it is impossible to open the second “IntelliJ” project then I clicking a IntelliJ icon in Scriptrunner.
    The error: “Argument for @NotNull parameter ‘project’ of com/intellij/openapi/project/DumbService.getInstance must not be null
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument for @NotNull parameter ‘project’ of com/intellij/openapi/project/DumbService.getInstance must not be null…”
    How to fix it?

  4. As said in the documentation: “Once you have everything linked up, you will see a few key areas in IntelliJ. First off, ScriptRunner has automatically created a project for you to work in, as well as a groovy script file which will automatically link to your running console. The new file will be under inline/src/main/groovy. Just start typing, and your code will automatically show up in the ScriptRunner console! Magic!”
    I see “inline/src/main/java” folder but there is no folder (“inline/src/main/groovy”) and if I create groovy script file in the project under “inline/src/main/java” or “inline/src/main/groovy”(when I made it manually) or “inline/src/main/” and try to change it but nothing change in the other side(in inline script in JIRA or IntelliJ project file) - Magic doesn’t happend.
    How to fix it?

  5. Cause an error (“Argument for @NotNull parameter ‘project’ of com/intellij/openapi/project/DumbService.getInstance must not be null
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument for @NotNull parameter ‘project’ of com/intellij/openapi/project/DumbService.getInstance must not be null…”) appeared in IntelliJ it is impossible to open the second “IntelliJ” project then I clicking a IntelliJ icon in Scriptrunner.
    How to fix it?

Phpstorm Javascript Debug

And now “Setting up a dev environment”

  1. After set up “External Tool for Running Scripts Against JIRA” I tried to run the tool I see the error on the result panel in IntelliJ IDEA:
    {“errorMessages”:[“Enter either a file name or a script.”],“flushedErrorMessages”:[“Enter either a file name or a script.”],“scriptRunResult”:null,“errors”:{}}
    and sometimes there wasn’t the error but no any result. Just wrote “Process finished with exit code 0”
    This works successfully only if I write accurate name of the script file which located in the scripts folder on JIRA server.
    How to make it works well with script file from IntelliJ IDEA?

This page tells you how to configure your Atlassian Connector within IntelliJ IDEA. Before following the steps below, please make sure that you have installed the connector, as described in the Installation Guide.

The connector configuration panels display the version number and the SVN repository version of the Atlassian Connector that you are currently using.

The Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDEA stores configuration settings at two levels in IntelliJ IDEA:

  • Server connections are stored as project settings in IntelliJ IDEA. Project settings allow you to share the same server connections with other members of your project team. Additionally, if you work on more than one project, this allows you to configure different servers for each project. Project-level settings can be stored in your source control repository, so that the connector will load the settings at the same time as loading the project into IDEA.
  • Other options are stored as IDE settings in IntelliJ IDEA. IDE settings allow each developer to configure their own workspace-specific settings, such as polling intervals and the behaviour of notification popups.

On this page:

  • Configuring your General Options
  • Configuring a Default Username and Password
  • Configuring Servers and Display Options

Configuring your General Options

Screenshot: General tab of the connector's IDE Settings panel

The 'General' tab is used to define the upgrade options for your connector, configure an HTTP proxy and set other options as described below.

To access the general options:

  1. Go to the 'IDE Settings' for the 'Atlassian Connector', by doing one of the following:
    • Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialogue, then go to the 'IDE Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian Connector' icon.
    • Or you can click the configuration icon on your connector window.
  2. Click the 'General' tab.

Automatic Upgrade

The connector's auto-upgrade feature, if enabled, will prompt you to install the most recent version of the connector when available.

To configure the connector's auto-upgrade feature:

  1. Put a tick in the 'Enabled (stable version)' checkbox to enable the connector auto-upgrade feature. The connector will check for the latest available stable (released) version of the connector.
  2. Put a tick in the 'Check snapshot versions' checkbox if the auto-upgrade should include unstable (development) versions of the connector as well as stable versions.

Manual Upgrade

To check immediately for the latest version of the connector:

  1. Select one of the radio buttons as follows:
    • Stable only — The connector will check for the latest available stable (released) version of the connector.
    • Stable + snapshot — The connector will check for the latest version, including unstable (development) versions of the connector as well as stable versions.
  2. Click the 'Check now' button.

For more details, refer to Upgrading the IntelliJ Connector.

HTTP Proxy

You can configure the connector to use IDEA's proxy settings or to bypass IDEA's proxy settings altogether. If the connector is using IDEA's proxy settings, you can configure the settings here too.

To use IDEA's proxy settings:

  1. Select the 'Use IDEA proxy settings' radio button.
  2. Click the 'Edit IDEA proxy settings' button. A dialogue will appear, similar to this screenshot:
  3. Enter the required settings and click the 'OK' button. If your proxy requires a domain name in addition to username, enter the information in the format domainuser.
  4. Restart IDEA for your changes to take effect.

Direct Click Through

When the direct click through option is enabled, you can click through from Crucible to open a review directly at the relevant code line in IDEA.

Check the 'Enable Direct Click Through' checkbox.To configure the direct click through feature:

  1. Choose a different TCP/IP port if necessary. Note that if you change this setting, you will need to restart IDEA to apply the change. This will have the effect of starting and stopping the inbuilt HTTP server.

Collection of Statistics

Put a tick in the 'Report anonymous usage statistics' checkbox if you are happy for us to collect anonymous information on the way you use the connector. All the information we collect is anonymous and cannot be used to identify you. We do not collect any private information. We use a randomly generated unique ID to differentiate one installation from another. See Collecting Usage Statistics for the IntelliJ Connector.

Configuring a Default Username and Password

You can define a single username and password as default login credentials. You can then decide to use these default credentials for one or more of the servers that you configure for the connector.

Defining the Default Credentials (Username and Password)

There are two ways to define your default credentials:

  • When you supply your credentials for a server, the connector will ask whether you want to use these credentials as the default. Click 'Yes'.

Screenshot: Popup offering to use default credentials

  • Otherwise, you can define the default credentials on the 'Defaults' tab of the connector's 'Project Settings' panel:
    1. Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialogue.
    2. Go to the 'Project Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian Connector' icon.
    3. Click the 'Defaults' tab.

Screenshot: Defaults tab with the default credentials at the bottom

Using the Default Credentials (Username and Password)

You can use your default credentials for one or more of the servers that you configure for the connector:

  1. Still on the connector's 'Project Settings' panel, click the 'Servers' tab.
  2. Select the relevant server.
  3. Put a tick in the 'Use Default Credentials' checkbox.

Configuring Servers and Display Options

Configuring your JIRA Server Connections

To configure your JIRA server connection(s):

  1. Go to the 'Project Settings' for the 'Atlassian Connector', by doing one of the following:
    • Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialogue, then go to the 'Project Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian Connector' icon.
    • Or you can click the configuration icon on your connector window.
  2. Go to the 'Servers' tab.

To add a JIRA server:

  1. Click the plus icon on the configuration panel.
  2. A list of server types will appear. Select 'Add JIRA Server'.
  3. A form will appear. Enter the information as follows:
    • 'Server Enabled' — Leave this checkbox ticked (default). If necessary, you can remove the tick to disable particular servers without deleting them. This is useful if your servers are behind a firewall and you don't have access to them.
    • 'Server Name' — A description of your JIRA server.
    • 'Server URL' — The address of your JIRA server.
    • 'Username' and 'Password' — The login name and password you use to access the JIRA server.
    • Remember Password — Put a tick in the checkbox if you want to save your password on disk. Leave the checkbox unticked if you want to be asked for a password every time you start your IDE.
      If you choose to remember the password, it is stored in a Base64 encoding, so it is not really secure.
    • 'Use Default Credentials' — Put a tick in the checkbox if you want to use the single username and password that you have defined as your default credentials. You can set the default credentials on the 'Defaults' tab.
  4. If you want to use basic HTTP authentication for your JIRA server, fill out the fields in the 'Additional Configuration' section as follows:
    • 'Use Basic HTTP authentication' — Tick this checkbox.
    • 'Username' and 'Password' — The login name and password you use to access the JIRA server.
  5. Click the 'Test Connection' button to check that the connection to the server works.
  6. Click 'Apply' to save your changes and continue with server configuration, or 'OK' to save your changes and close the configuration tab.
  7. Click the 'Defaults' tab to set your default server (if you have defined more than one JIRA server) and default project.
  8. Now you can configure the JIRA options, as described below.

You can add more than one JIRA server.

Configuring your JIRA Options

  1. Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialogue, then go to the 'IDE Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian Connector' icon.
  2. Define the maximum number of issues that the connector will show on each screen. At display time, if there are more issues than specified here, the connector will display a 'Get More Issues...' link allowing you to retrieve the next batch of issues from the server.

Screenshot: Configuring JIRA server connections
Screenshot: Configuring JIRA IDE options

Configuring your Bamboo Server Connections

To configure your Bamboo server connection(s):

  1. Go to the 'Project Settings' for the 'Atlassian Connector', by doing one of the following:
    • Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialogue, then go to the 'Project Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian Connector' icon.
    • Or you can click the configuration icon on your connector window.
  2. Click the 'Servers' tab.

To add a Bamboo server:

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  1. Click the plus icon on the configuration panel.
  2. A list of server types will appear. Select 'Add Bamboo Server'.
  3. A form will appear. Enter the information as follows:
    • 'Server Enabled' — Leave this checkbox ticked (default). If necessary, you can remove the tick to disable particular servers without deleting them. This is useful if your servers are behind a firewall and you don't have access to them.
    • 'Server Name' — A description of your Bamboo server.
    • 'Server URL' — The address of your Bamboo server.
    • 'Username' and 'Password' — The login name and password you use to access the Bamboo server.
    • Remember Password — Put a tick in the checkbox if you want to save your password on disk. Leave the checkbox unticked if you want to be asked for a password every time you start your IDE.
      If you choose to remember the password, it is stored in a Base64 encoding, so it is not really secure.
    • 'Use Default Credentials' — Put a tick in the checkbox if you want to use the single username and password that you have defined as your default credentials. You can set the default credentials on the 'Defaults' tab.
  4. Click the 'Test Connection' button to check that the connection to the server works. A list of build plans will appear.
  5. If your Bamboo build server is located in a different time zone than you, you can manually adjust the 'Time Zone Difference'. You should specify a positive difference if your time is ahead of your build server (e.g. you are in Russia and the build server is in the UK). You should specify a negative difference if your time is behind your build server (e.g. you are in the US and your build server is in Spain).
  6. Now select the Build Plans that the connector will watch. You can either select plans manually from the list of plans defined on the Bamboo server, or simply use your favourite plans as defined on the server. Your favourite plans are marked with a yellow star .
  7. Click 'Apply' to save your changes and continue with server configuration, or 'OK' to save your changes and close the configuration tab.
  8. Now you can configure the Bamboo options, as described below.

You can add more than one Bamboo server.

Configuring your Bamboo Options

  1. Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialogue, then go to the 'IDE Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian Connector' icon.
  2. Define the behaviour of the popup window that is shown when the status of the build changes. (See Working with Bamboo Builds in IDEA.)
  3. Set the polling interval that the connector will use to monitor build plans on all defined Bamboo servers. Specify the value in minutes.

Configuring your Crucible Server Connections

To configure your Crucible server connection(s):

  1. Go to the 'Project Settings' for the 'Atlassian Connector', by doing one of the following:
    • Open the IDEA 'Settings' dialogue, then go to the 'Project Settings' section and click the 'Atlassian Connector' icon.
    • Or you can click the configuration icon on your connector window.
  2. Click the 'Servers' tab.

To add a Crucible server:

  1. Click the plus icon on the configuration panel.
  2. A list of server types will appear. Select 'Add Crucible Server'.
  3. A form will appear. Enter the information as follows:
    • 'Server Enabled' — Leave this checkbox ticked (default). If necessary, you can remove the tick to disable particular servers without deleting them. This is useful if your servers are behind a firewall and you don't have access to them.
    • 'Server Name' — A description of your Crucible server.
    • 'Server URL' — The address of your Crucible server.
    • 'Username' and 'Password' — The login name and password you use to access the Crucible server.
    • 'Remember Password' — Put a tick in the checkbox if you want to save your password on disk. Leave the checkbox unticked if you want to be asked for a password every time you start your IDE.
      If you choose to remember the password, it is stored in a Base64 encoding, so it is not really secure.
    • 'Use Default Credentials' — Put a tick in the checkbox if you want to use the single username and password that you have defined as your default credentials. You can set the default credentials on the 'Defaults' tab.
  4. Click the 'Test Connection' button to check that the connection to the server works.
  5. Click 'Apply' to save your changes and continue with server configuration.
  6. Click the 'Defaults tab to set up a default Crucible server, project and repository. These defaults will be used when you create a review directly from your source within IDEA.
  7. Now you can configure the Crucible options, as described below.

You can add more than one Crucible server.

Removing a Server Connection

To remove a server from the list:

  1. Select the server.
  2. Click the minus icon on the configuration panel.

Reporting Bugs and Requesting New Features

Click the following links on the Project Settings or IDE Settings panel:

  • Report Bug — This will open a bug-creation page in the connector's JIRA issue tracker. It will automatically populate the connector version number and details of the environment (Java version and vendor, OS details, build number of your IDE).
  • Request Feature — This will open an issue-creation page of the 'Story' type in the connector's JIRA issue tracker. Use this issue type to request new connector functionality.

Getting Help

Click the 'Help' link on the Project Settings or IDE Settings panel. This will open the online documentation page which tells you how to configure the connector — namely, this page. From here, you can click the links to view other online documentation pages.

If you're looking for support or other help, please take a look at the links on our documentation home page.


Installation and Upgrade Guide for the IntelliJ Connector
Using Bamboo in the IntelliJ Connector
Using Crucible in the IntelliJ Connector
Using FishEye in the IntelliJ Connector
Using JIRA in the IntelliJ Connector

Phpstorm Jira Training

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ConfigGeneral2.png (image/png)
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